A View from the sky, from the ground, and around the corner

So I hope everyone recovered nicely from that first mind blowing experience I provided for you. My mind feels refreshed, and like all other good things is ready for round two. The obstacle with round two is always…..will it be as good or better? Well I will let you decide for yourself, but I plan on making this experience new and unique.

I absolutely love asking people questions on ridiculous subjects just to see how they react and reason. Nothing gets a good thought process going like an out of the blue comment or question that shocks the mind. Just think, we are creatures of habit, and therefore trudge along with the same way of conversing, explaining, and viewing. As soon as a question or thought disrupts the norm, we are forced to actually think, and therefore the true and unique thought process of an individual is revealed. Scary shit, extremely scary, but absolutely makes you think right now at this moment. I am sure you are all like what the hell is happening right now? That is good, because that is exactly where I want you to be right now.

Now you might ask what is so important or interesting about disrupting the mind, and seeing into anther’s thought process? PERSPECTIVE. No I did not just shout that out, but when you disrupt the normal mind you can now see new and interesting perspectives. You can actually view the world from above, below, and around corners. Wait…I just tied my title into the blog post….the first time is always amazing. We have to get out of the norm of viewing the world from one perspective. It is almost as though robots are walking around the world at times. In fact how can you truly make an informed decision, or understand the complexity and beauty of a situation or object without all perspective? Well that is the problem, we can’t, and that is why we fail so many times.

So everyone is still trying to figure out what I am saying, which is even better. Or you think you have me figured out, but you are wrong. Here is an example of what I think I am saying. A rusty old violin is sitting on a chair in an abandoned home. My perspective, being illiterate in music, is that it is scrap and should be tossed to the side. Another next to me, who loves music, sees an instrument that is salvageable and can produce beautiful notes. The third individual just happens to be the granddaughter of the man who played the instrument, and sees it for the beautiful music it made at the hands of a loved one. The final man needs more firewood, and sees this as a potential source of heat. If we take the perspective of just one of these individuals out, the true complexity and beauty of it is lost. Wait what? Yes, the TRUE complexity is lost. Yes, each one can find beauty or use in the instrument, but our knowledge is only limited to that perspective and is therefore lacking.

This is all crazy is it not? Every object and event we see is seen through a limited perspective and is not even the full encompassing story behind it! We need to appreciate everything a little more than we already do, and seek others perspective! With additional perspective comes a better understanding of the world and how it is connected.


Ok everyone, if only my mind could split me in half multiple times…..or can it?

My Mind Has Been Unlocked…and there is reason to have fear!

First off, my grammar will not be perfect. Why? Well I have a knack for trying to keep up with my mind, and it is so damn beautiful what comes out that I shouldn’t correct it. Surprisingly enough, that first line brings me to the first mind orgasm experience you will receive from reading this. Yes, I coin a term Mind orgasm, because an orgasm is great, and when it is in your brain…even better.

So anyhow, my first orgasm experience I will provide revolves around the changing and editing of words, or a word, or a comma…etc. Do human individuals not realize how much the meaning of something changes with what word, words, punctuation, or annunciation is chosen? Let’s start with this simple sentence: The cow is a great animal. Or wait, The cow is an animal.  Look at those two examples, the magnitude and brilliance of something can be lost or changed with just a drop of a word. Is this not mind blowing to anyone else? Shouldn’t we take more pride and importance in the words we choose to describe even the simplest of tasks? I think we should.

Now wait, why even care about the description of anything, such as a great cow. Well, mind blowing as it is, each experience and description will never actually be the exact same as the one before it. Wow, crazy shit I say, and if you aren’t interested why the hell I made that comment then you probably have not seen an elephant that actually is afraid of a mouse.

Here is the meaning of it all though. I see a cow and you see a cow. I have just seen the first cow in my life. You have seen the 1,500,000 cow in your life, or however many exist in the dairy state of Wisconsin. We both say a cow is an animal. BOOM, an entire experience and meaning that can’t exactly be replicated is lost with the dropping or failure to add words in a statement. Why lose this moment? Why lose this experience? Describe it so we can all experience this feeling over and over again. Describe your thoughts and experiences so we can view them through your brain. Create new angles of information and viewpoints that we have never thought of before.

The choice of words and descriptions of experiences is extremely powerful. Each experience has a different meaning to everyone, but no one can learn or understand from those different experiences if they are not conveyed with passion. True knowledge comes from understanding not only your own experiences, but experiences through the eyes of others.


Sit back my friends, are you looking at the TV the same way the other person in the room is?